Wednesday, August 14, 2019

July Book Recap

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When I say I'm a slow reader...I put great emphasis on the word slow. I like to read, but I often read leisurely, whenever I have nothing else to do. I've thought about trying to schedule time to read everyday but I just haven't committed to it. So for now, in this season of life, I get through one or two books a month and call it a win. {I've also been busy creating content for my other blog - Ditch It & Switch It - so that has taken up a decent portion of my time.}

Anyways, back to the long overdue July Book Recap!

1. What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty

This was the first book by Liane Moriarty that I've read. It was recommended to me by a friend and I thought it would be a nice easy read after having just slogged through All The Light We Cannot See. The storyline is nothing profound or life changing but I found it to be endearing and a breath of fresh air. The story follows Alice, who falls off her bike at the gym and hits her head, resulting in the loss of all memories from the last 10 years. The book chronicles her journey to regain her footing, get back in touch with her present life and the complicated situation she finds herself in. If you are looking for some light reading, I would try this one! For my rating, I'd give this one 3 stars. It wasn't the best book I've ever read but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

2. The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris

I'll cut to the chase, this was a solid 4 star book for me. It follows the real-life story of Lale Sokolov (the tattooist) and his will to survive as a prisoner in Auschwitz. It was his job as the tattooist that afforded him the opportunity to meet Gita, a girl that would turn out to be the love of his life. The book shares many gut-wrenching, devastating, and evil occurrences during the course of his time at the death camp. Through the horrors, they managed to look after one another. Lale came up with ingenious ways to use his privileges as the tattooist to help his fellow prisoners in the camp and managed to escape death's grip many times over. The Tattooist of Auschwitz is a book that will certainly pull at your heartstrings. Don't forget to check out the last few pages of the book that contains the authors notes, you'll find pictures of Lale and Gita and an update!

So there you have it! For only getting through 2 books, I think they were worth my time. What books did you read last month? Any I should add to my reading list?

Alyssa | So Southern Sweet